Saturday, 11 November 2017

Branding & Synergy

We decided to research different ways that known EDM artists create branding and synergy throughout different platforms.

Through discussion, we understood that logos and colours are the key features that contribute to the branding and synergy in ancillary products.

We created a presentation to further elaborate on this.

How will we implement this in our own work?

To create synergy across our media products, colour will play a key role. This is the most simple way and will be useful because of the huge role that colour has in EDM. We will also reciprocate synergy through the editing effects which we will try to replicate across our products. Examples of this would be the use of the scribble effect, as well as the ghost effect. Finally, we will create familiarity through the pictures we take and we will ensure that they are in similar locations so there is no confusions. We have decided to go with simple aspects because the EDM genre itself is incredibly chaotic in terms of its use of colour and ideologies and we would like to juxtapose this.

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