Sunday, 19 November 2017

Additional Research: Inspiration for Powder Paint

As we wanted to be slightly more symbolic in our music video, we have decided to use a shot in which powdered paint is used. This cinematic shot will be used after our actor puts the pills in his mouth, referring to the impact of drug use. There were many inspirations of this which appealed to us and allowed us to research into significant symbolism and other features.

One reason we will be using this is because of its connotative meanings. As the powder paint (most likely red, blue and yellow) will be blown at our actor, it will portray the chaos and show the destruction going on inside our actor’s brain. As we will track into the actor’s brain, this mini scene will signify what is going on inside. The colours used are also important for many reasons. The colour red connotes anger in this context. This is juxtaposed to the colour blue, which refers to a peace of mind. This emergence of both emotions will show a lack of control in the actor’s perspective. The colour yellow is associated with joy, intellect and energy and this will provide a reason for why the actor does the drugs in the first place. As the music video narrative will be about abuse which leads to drugs, and ultimately looking up to the lord, these colours will actually prove to be very vital in the music video because it also suggests the order of events, with anger, leading to excitement and ultimately a peace of mind.

Something which was a contributing factor to using powder colours was the recurring Colour Run in our area. After witnessing this colour run occur in my local community, as a group, we were fascinated by how much this event could spread happiness and positivity amongst those participating. However, we wanted to juxtapose this idea and give it a rather in depth meaning in relation to our actor and story board. Furthermore, this immensely abstract concept of powder paints being thrown may connote all his feeling being thrown at him all at once thus being too much to handle. As a way of incorporating the colour run, greater influences also came from social media and traditional forms of advertising around our local area. Another reason we were inspired by the colour run was due to their history which states that "the colour run promotes healthiness and happiness by bringing the community together to participate in the Happiest 5k on The Planet, hosting events in over 200 cities and 40 countries” Personally expressing the message “It is okay not to be okay” and it is also very normal to “express your feelings”, We hope to put forward a positive message through a juxtaposed ideology.

Holi is a Hindu festival which is another factor that inspired us to throw holi colours at our actor to represent his emotions. It’s a festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil and the colours (blue, red and yellow) connote happiness and emotions. It helps the people to follow a good conduct in their lives and believe in the virtue of being truthful. Good and evil is being represented in our music video as in the beginning he’s going through a difficult time which leads to him taking drugs and he becomes very angry and frustrated, but towards the end he prays to God and this connotes he has overcome his problems. Holi ultimately means forgiveness, love and good. In a video called “Kesha - Take It Off” they are using holi colours and throwing it at each other. The phrase “Take it off” suggests be whoever you want to be, and avoid negative people.

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