Friday, 3 November 2017

Typography: Target Audience Research

I developed a questionnaire which was distributed to people who fit the psychographics of our target audience. They were enquired about the types of fonts they preferred and a range of selection had been gven, as well as the option to state that they did not like any of the fonts.

This information will be useful as it has given me an idea of what types of fonts to utilise in the development of my digipak and website.

From the fonts in which "Escape" was written, I found that the most popular option was option 1. The least favourite options were joint of 2, 3 and 4. 
When looking at the font for the copy I found that option B was the most popular and two people also said that they did not like any of the fonts, which will allow me to reconsider what fonts to use at a later stage. 

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