Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Website Development Process: Kanaiya

Here, I talk through the development of my website.

After I had finished filming, I showed this video to members of my target audience and asked them to give any final feedback.

I received two important pieces of feedback:

"In the about of the artist, I think it should be more personal so maybe make his panel in first person to make it more personal"

"Where will your music video go?"

As a result, I made these minor changes by changing the about panel to make it more personal, and I also allowed more space for the final cut to be placed. I also made small changes to the "contact" page to make it more conventional and representative of EDM websites.

In this mini podcast, I talk through the final changes I have made for my website, and I pinpint my choice of typography:

Here, I have also written down a brief insight into each page of the website:

Some minor changes were further made in the final draft of the website.

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