Thursday, 26 October 2017

Analysis of Digipaks

To look into the key conventions of a digipak, I firstly decided to conduct research into a digipak that did not relate to my genre (in order to only see key conventions rather than those that could be applied to EDM.

After that, I looked for digipaks which related to the EDM genres. I found "4x4=24" by Deadmau5, which did not seem to follow the conventions of EDM. This was interesting due to the simplicity which was unexpected to be found in the EDM genre in general.

This may have been done in order to relate to the idea of rebellion and going against the norms in the EDM genre.

What I found extremely prominent was how band/artist identity was incredibly important in both digipaks and some of the others that I had seen.

However, this digipak in particular was one which stood out...

This is because of the stylistics which referred to the electric element of EDM. Even though common conventions were present, such as the name of the duo in specific typography, and the use of bar codes, I felt that the design of electronics was extremely prominent and quite well designed. The common colours seen were yellow, white and blue, and the continuity throughout each flap made it look visually appealing, particularly because of the recurring theme of technology.

This research will be useful because it has allowed me to understand how I will incorporate aesthetics with our genre to create a visually appealing digipak, if this is chosen.

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