Sunday, 11 February 2018

Feedback - Website Draft Three: Kanaiya

To collect feedback for draft 3 of my website, I asked a sample of ten people to watch the video below, and then complete a questionnaire. This allowed me to gain very useful feedback for my website.

I sent this message out to the sample.

Here is the video that my target audience watched:

Here is the feedback I gained:

On average, editing of images had been rated 8 out of 10.
Accessibility of the website was rated 9 out of 10.
Usage of images in the gallery had been rated 6 out of 10, which evidences that the gallery is something I will have to consider.
Correlation of digipak with the website had been rated 8 out of 10.
The majority of participants were able to understand that the website was for the EDM genre, with 3 out of 10 feeling slightly confused. As a result, I will consider the way in which images have been placed as well as the colours used.

UPDATE: 19/02/18
 Here are the some of the major changes I made as a result of the feedback.

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